OK, today, I'm going to answer questions. I don't do photography as a full-time job, but rather as a profession adjuvant to another profession. One thing I'm frequently asked is, would I like to do photography full-time and nothing else? The true answer is: yes and no. I love my "real" job. I also love photography. The problem, however, lays in several layers. First of all, if I start doing photography as a full time job and my sole source of income, I'd probably have to do whatever jobs come my way and/or move to a bigger centre. I really like the autonomy I get with not needing to accept every job I'm offered. In fact, I often joke that my sales pitch is, "I don't need the money, so hire me because I'm doing what I love to do". Additionally, I might have to put my prices up because the equipment and technology is always changing and the big camera makers, like Nikon (my fav) don't give away their stuff. I currently show up at a shoot with several thousand dollars worth of equipment, and I'm holding it in just one hand! My beloved wife is not too keen on my even spending more time on the computer (although, this might become an excuse to get a new machine, but I digress). More pics mean more processing, more bandwidth, more more more. More fun too, though! On the up side, right now I seem to be travelling quite a bit to do what I do, and that's pretty cool! I don't mind travelling, but I guess I'm not much of a businessman because I hate having to charge extra for all the expenses this incurs. I'd like to go for free, but this just isn't possible.
If anyone IS looking for a free photographer, Chase Jarvis is looking for an interesting idea that he can shoot. He'll go anywhere in the world. Look him up at www.chasejarvis.com . He does some awesome stuff.
Feel free to post some more questions here in the comments section, and I'll try to answer what I can.