Monday, March 16, 2009

Image Processing

Hey, I'm trying out a plug-in called Silver Effects by Nik Software.  It's designed for doing black and white images, which I really like, and it has all these presets that allow you to replicate the grain and appearance of shooting some of the popular films used prior to the big migration to digital image capture.  I processed one image like that, and it's kinda cool.  I can see there'll be quite a learning curve with this, however, before I'm really getting stunning images.  Have a look at an early attempt:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Deer Portraits

Well, haven't been at my blog for a while.  I was out yesterday with a fellow photographer after hearing the deer yard in Warwick.  We sorta used my truck as a portable blind, which allowed us to have our equipment at hand and also helped us keep from disturbing the animals.  It turned out to be an eventful trip, with a couple of good pics as well.