Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Upcoming Major Wedding

OK, so I'm blogging about this big upcoming wedding.....Why this one in particular?  Well, lemme see:

First thoughts:  DAMN I have a LOT of batteries to charge!!!!
Second:              UhOh....MORE batteries to charge....... and memory cards to format....hope my wife doesn't know I have all this crap ;)

OK!  The big deal is, this really nice young lady has contracted me to photograph her wedding this weekend in Gaspe and she's even willing to do a "trash the dress" session on Sunday.  I haven't met her fiance yet, but if he's marrying her he's got to be a great guy.

I know, this sounds like a real load of (you know what) but when we had our first client meeting, it was like... Yeah, I want to do this wedding, I know we're going to have a great time.  That's a big deal to me because if I'm really having fun, I know I'm also being really creative and I'm making my best images.  This is too big a day in these people's lives to get second-rate service from me, or anyone else, and I know I'm really going to be on my game this weekend.  I feel good about that.

This is going to be a long weekend with photos on Friday, the Big Event on Saturday and TTD on Sunday so it's MAJOR work, but like I said, I'm psyched because it's also going to a MAJOR blast!

OK, enough babbling on for now.  Maybe another post before the weekend, but DEFINITELY pics afterward (so I can show off).



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Logo is Here

My new Logo has arrived, and will be adorning my future images.  This is really just more of the "branding" business type stuff.  Anyway, hope you like it.  And, thanks to Paulette Hachey for her great work.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SB 900

     OK, my new Nikon SB-900 is here!  This is the new flagship portable flash from Nikon.  It's HUGE... a BEAST!  But, there's increased zoom range, power and battery life.  I took some time to play around with it today and it's even easier to use than my SB-800!  My poor dog is probably still seeing spots from all the flashes going off. :)

     None of the reviews I've read talk about the new case that comes with it, but I gotta say, it's way way better designed than the last one, plus it's padded to protect your investment.  

     Men love toys, preferably shiny!

     Now, if my RadioPoppers would just get here...........


Friday, August 8, 2008

New Logo

Hey everybody,

    Stay tuned for a new concept for my Logo!  Yes, it's true, I actually asked for outside help.  There's a great team of creatives on the job and so far, the suggestions are all so good I'm having a hard time choosing.  When the time comes, there will be a slight change here as well as one on my website.  It's all for the good, though. 

Until next time,
